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Phoenix Double-Deckers

Welcome to a revolution in card-magic.

For the first time ever you can get a deck containing 104 cards that matches perfectly a professionally produced card deck. This allows new effects never possible before. Because a spectator will never expect that underneath the first 52 cards (54 with Jokers) is waiting another complete deck of playing cards.

6 items found, showing items 1 to 6.    
Poker Double-Decker
Phoenix Single Decker
(EU) 25,00 €
(Non-EU) 29.00 US$
(EU) 14,90 €
(Non-EU) 14.90 US$

Parlour Double-Decker
Ultimate Brainwave-Deck
(EU) 25,00 €
(Non-EU) 29.00 US$
(EU) 45,00 €
(Non-EU) 49.00 US$

Poker Double-Decker - Luke Jermay
Get Sharky - by Christoph Borer
(EU) 30,00 €
(Non-EU) 35.00 US$
(EU) 75,00 €
(Non-EU) 80.00 US$

6 items found, showing items 1 to 6.    
Warenkorb | zur Kasse | 2 Artikel @ 50,00 Euro
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