Excellence in high quality card magic


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Mo, 10.05.2010
You have a very fertile mind and your cards are a delite to work with.
Thanks for making something for the magicians of this world...regards from Thailand

Marco Assmann
Mo, 03.05.2010
Lieber Christian,

vielen Dank für die sensationellen Karten und -tricks.
Wirklich perfekte magische Werkzeuge der Extraklasse!
Weiter so!

Marco Assmann

So, 25.04.2010
Great cards
Christian has produced two custom decks for me now and both have been great!

Jerome Grieder
So, 28.03.2010
How fast!!!
My order arrived today, in good order, and much sooner than I expected it! And I am delighted. Everything -- the Gypsy Deck and extras, the Tarot deck and extras, and the coins are truly beautiful.
How happy I am to have discovered your wonderful craftsmanship!

Thank you again for your miraculously quick service and for your superb magic.


Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate your American Depot and Roger Nicot´s prompt service. And of course I continue to get enormous pleasure out of all my Card-Shark acquisitions. You have truly brought something new and wonderful to the magic world.

Jerry Grieder

Steve Brooks
So, 21.03.2010
Bursting into Flames!

It was great meeting you while I was in Las Vegas
attending the World Magic Seminar.

I believe you to be an honest and sincere person whos
passion for the art can truly be seen and appreciated by
the high quality magic products you have produced.

Based on the reactions I saw in other magicians in Las
Vegas, I believe your Phoenix Deck is now officially
bursting into flames!

With the birth of your Phoenix Deck magicians are no
longer under the tyranny of the Bicycle brand. That being
the case, any high quality gimmicked card can now be
produced and used in everyday performances. Indeed, we are
limited only by our own imaginations.

Long live the Phoenix Deck!

Steven Steele
So, 14.03.2010
Mona Lisa's Secret
Christian, it was great meeting you at the World Magic
Seminar. I got home and the first routine I opened was
Mona Lisa's Secret. It's now in my close-up act and I have
to say, it has gotten the best reaction of any routine
I've placed in my act in years. To say it kills would be a
tremendous understatement. Thank you so much! A great


Mike Alan
Sa, 06.03.2010
The Phoenix Deck - Just Class
Just got the cards, well, just a Class Deck.
The Phoenix is flying
Mike Alan, Magician in London

Sa, 06.03.2010
Der Stift zum Unterschreiben
Hallo Christian, endlich nach jahrelanger Suche habe ich
ihn endlich gefunden und dafür DANKE ich dir sehr, der
PERFEKTE STIFT zum unterzeichnen einer Karte und zum
signieren div. Produkte!!!!
zauberhafte Hexe, zauberhafte Fee
Zauberhafte Grüße vom Bodensee

Abraham Carnow
Mo, 15.02.2010
The wrong business?!
You do a great job.

Wonderful products, timely shipping, fully professional,
honest - are you sure you are in the magic business?

Roland Henning
Do, 11.02.2010
Christian, die Spezialkarten die ich habe bei dir drucken
lassen machen sich so was von bezahlt. Keiner hat je einen
solchen Effekt gesehen. Danke für die finanzierbare Lösung
die du mit deinem Angebot geliefert hast.

Terence Brabazon
Di, 08.09.2009
Sensational Work
Hi Christian,

I just received my order from you and I can just
say "amazing". The quality of the cards is first class
and I can see me spending many nights working with these.
The coins are superb and I was pleasently surprised to see
them come in the little leather purse you supplied (very
nice touch).

I´ll be showing these to the guys and recommending your
service to everyone (and that´s not because of the little
lollies you also supplied lol)

Terence Brabazon
Sydney Australia

Charlie Frye
Fr, 21.08.2009
Hey Christian,
I never thought I'd be replacing my old Bicycle friends,
but your Phoenix deck is killer.

I'm also completely enamored by your Gypsy Deck. The props
you put out are truly first class all the way. Bravo and

Paul Potassy
Mo, 10.08.2009
Bewundernswerte Perfektion
Lieber Card-Shark Christian,
Du bist einer der wenigen jungen Zauberer die nicht alte
Klamotten imitiern sondern der seine eigenen Wege geht
und dauernd kreative neue Möglichkeiten findet!
Du liebst Perfektion was auch ich in meiner Glanzzeit
immer als den wichtigsten Faktor in meinen Shows hatte.
Die Präsentation muss elegant und perfekt sein. Das gilt
für die Bühne wie auch fuer die Gegenstände die dabei
verwendet werden (Karten usw).
Du als Produzent von verschiedenen Neuigkeiten in der
Kartenbranche hast bewiesen, dass mit viel Geduld und
Erfindergeist noch immer Neues entdeckt werden kann.
Vor Jahren in meiner Glanzzeit gab es diese technischen
Möglichkeiten nicht die Dir heute zur Verfügung stehen.
Ich wünsche Dir viel Erfolg mit Deinen neuen Kreationen
und glaube Du bist auf dem besten Wege, der Zauberwelt
einige schöne Neuigkeiten zu präsentiern!
Ich wünsche Dir auf diesem Wege alles Gute und verbleibe
Dein Bewunderer: PAUL POTASSY

Steve Cohen
Do, 06.08.2009
Greetings from the Millionaire's Magician
I wish you much success with your magic, and your
I really like the style of cards you are
producing. Keep up the great work.


Blair Morris
Di, 04.08.2009
Vintage Style Cards
Every once and a while a new product comes along in magic
that hits the mark on every level, and doesn't let you
down in the slightest.......
Christian has done it with this set of cards.

Jeff McBride
Mi, 29.07.2009
Metamorphosis Pro
This is elegant magic that happens in the participant's
hands and lasting memory for many years to come!

David Williamson
Mi, 29.07.2009
Your Gypsy Deck
My search for an authentic-looking, usable, vintage deck is
The design is authentic and the quality is top notch.
And the fact that Christian offers a wide range of matching
gimmicked cards is just icing on the cake.
I'll always carry a deck in my professional kit.

Bill Palmer
Di, 14.07.2009
Wonderful cards!

What can I say about your cards that hasn't been said
already? The designs are beautiful, the quality is excellent
and the concepts behind the material are charming.

The Heirloom Cards are the perfect companions to the
Losander Haunted Box. The Mittelalter Tarot is the best I
have seen for story and bizarre magic.

And Metamorphosis is one of the best pieces for storytellers
I have ever seen.

Thanks for giving us such wonderful toys!

Marc Oberon
Mo, 13.07.2009
Metamorphosis Pro
That's very cute.

I'll use that.

Klaus Lüpertz
Sa, 27.06.2009
Glückwunsch zu Metamorphosis
Hallo Shark, ich habe Metamorphosis jetzt seit einigen
Tagen im Einsatz und kann nur sagen: Klasse!
Logischerweise sind es vor allem die jüngeren Damen, die
völlig aus dem Häuschen sind, aber auch bei der älteren
Generation wecken die Glanzbilder noch einmal Erinnerungen
an Kindertage. Dazu kann man das Ganze in herrliche
Geschichten verpacken.

Bleibt nur zu sagen (und zu hoffen): Weiter so! ... Klaus

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