Excellence in high quality card magic


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Zauberer De Pasco
So, 21.06.2009
Super Qualität
echt super Qualität zum vernünftigen Preisen - großes Lob
für die saubere Arbeit. Weiter so.

Gary Brown
Sa, 20.06.2009
A Dream Come True!
Thanks to your excellent custom cards, I am now able to
perform my favorite packet effect using vintage, heirloom

The quality and craftmanship of these cards are
beyond compare; Christian showed great creativity and
attention to detail in making my idea a reality.

I have always wanted to perform certain effects with
alternative cards or variations -- this has opened a world
of new opportunities. I'm already planning my next order!

John Geiger
Mi, 17.06.2009
Got me thinking!
Taken by surprise with your original thoughts idea's. Got
me thinking how to use your company.See you at the
convention. John Geiger, Human,well sorta.

Lennart Green
Do, 21.05.2009
Cards for Connoisseurs
Everything that Christian 'Card-Shark' has created is
really artistic and tasteful. His Tarot Deck is a
beautiful piece of art with its ancient looking pictures.

This deck will really become a Classic Collector Item. The
Heirloom Deck and the Metamorphosis cards have similar
high quality finish. These products are made for the
sophisticated connoisseurs.

Thanks Christian.

Lee Asher
Do, 21.05.2009
I love this stuff!!!
There are only a few guys in this industry that produce
quality products.

Card-Shark.de is one of them!

I love this stuff!!!

Christian Knudsen
Do, 21.05.2009
Deutschlands innovativster Hersteller
Neben Hakan Varol ist Christian Schenk (Card-Shark) für
mich in Deutschland im Moment der innovativste Hersteller
mit den stimmigsten und stilvollsten Produkten auf dem

Seine Antik-Karten sind ein wahrgewordener Traum, er
produziert dir jeden langgehegten Kartenwunsch in Top-
Qualität und ist dazu einfach noch ein ausgesprochen
netter Mensch.

Tom Bennett
Mo, 18.05.2009
Christian zeigt uns was man mit Leidenschaft erreichen kann
Hallo Christian,

erst mal muss ich Dich ganz herzlich beglückwünschen, dass
bisher alle Deine Ideen sich so erfolgreich umsetzen ließen.

Als Du mir die ersten Entwürfe für Deine Mittelalterlinie
geschickt hattest, war ich zwar begeistert, hätte mir aber
nie vorstellen können,dass Du diese bald rund um den Globus

Man sieht wieder, mit einer Vision kann man fast alles

Viel Erfolg weiterhin

Mo, 11.05.2009
Landshuter Hochzeit
Hi, dein Gypsydeck wird auf der Landshuter Hochzeit viele
Mittelalterbegeisterte bezaubern...
alles in allem
ein schönes Deck!
Zauberhafte Grüße

für Kinderverzückung
und elegantverrückte

Jim Kleefeld
Mo, 20.04.2009
Great Service
Twice I have ordered products from you and twice I have
received great products in a remarkably short time. The
Heirloom cards, coin and Metamorphosis are very high
quality and the service is remarkable, especially for
Thank you for your excellence in merchandising.

Charlie Frye
Sa, 18.04.2009
I am your biggest fan
I'm your biggest fan.

Love your creations.

Eric Lamkin
Sa, 18.04.2009
A huge fan
Simply beautiful and amazing. Absolutely, the best
purchase I have ever made. Your product looked great on
your website, but I had no idea that it would be of such a
high quality until I held it in my hands.

I'm now a huge fan and I can't help but purchase
everything that you produce.

Do, 12.03.2009
Hello Christian

Just received my Metamorphosis Pro, excellent quality and
fantastic fast delivery !

Will speak to you soon and keep well.


Martin Freund
Sa, 31.01.2009
Vielen Dank!
Hallo Christain,
nicht nur die bei dir gekauften Artikel, sondern
auch deine kompetente Beratung sind für mich als
Berufszauberer bares Geld wert.
Vielen Dank und Toi, Toi, Toi

Jeffrey Stokes
Sa, 17.01.2009
Wonderful Cards!
I just received my custom cards, and they are
spectacular! The quality and service I received far
exceeded my expectations! I will definitely be ordering
from you again!


Sa, 27.12.2008
Hi from Spain
Hi from Spain, i'm Jeff, i will publish your web site to
several forums of magic here in Spain. I'm sure that you
going to be helpfull for lots of magicians.


Mark W. Bennett
Mo, 22.12.2008
Your cards opened doors
Great products. Your tarot set and extension allow me to
create routines that couldn't be done any other way.
Excellent craftsmanship and great service.

Opus Magno
Mi, 12.11.2008
Well Done. Very professional site and work!!

I'd like to point out that is hard, nowadays, to find a
website with the good direct casual comunication like
yours. It's like we know each other for years.

About the graphic work itself, again, excelent, no cons!!
Unfortunately here in Brazil no company seems to be
interested in this kind of business :(
(and to buy from EU, right now, is $omehow impo$$ible.

Hey, Why don't you open a representative here? ;)

Best Regards!

Roland Sarlot and Susan Eyed
Sa, 08.11.2008
Love your practical artistic work!

We had a great time with you at the 2008 SAM/IBM Convention.
Thanks for the great memories and fun.

We love the beautiful artistic cards that you have created
and use them with joy and pride. You're the best (and so are
your cards!)

Roland and Susan
Tucson, AZ USA

Mi, 22.10.2008
Christian's job is amazing.
I am really excited both with his work which has great
quality but also with his one of a kind customer service.
All the best,

Justin Carmical
Do, 18.09.2008
Your Vintage cards
Thank you. The Heirloom cards I ordered are BEAUTIFUL and
the talk of my magic club. I cannot wait to practice the
Gypsy Curse and perform it at the renaissance festival
here in Colorado next year.

Thanks again for making quality items.

Warenkorb | zur Kasse | 2 Artikel @ 50,00 Euro
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