Excellence in high quality card magic
Steve Brooks
Bursting into Flames!
Christian, It was great meeting you while I was in Las Vegas attending the World Magic Seminar. I believe you to be an honest and sincere person whos passion for the art can truly be seen and appreciated by the high quality magic products you have produced. Based on the reactions I saw in other magicians in Las Vegas, I believe your Phoenix Deck is now officially bursting into flames! With the birth of your Phoenix Deck magicians are no longer under the tyranny of the Bicycle brand. That being the case, any high quality gimmicked card can now be produced and used in everyday performances. Indeed, we are limited only by our own imaginations. Long live the Phoenix Deck!
What it is... and what not | for magic effect creators | Large Index Decks | Double-Deckers | Parlour Decks | Card Quality Comparison

Large Index Decks

Sometimes Small Changes can make a Huge Difference!

In 2009 we started a Revolution, as the Phoenix Decks were launched, specially made for Magicians!

For years we worked on improving the Quality of playing cards, and if you ever have used a Phoenix Deck you know that you are handling a deck made in Casino Quality. Some already call the Phoenix Quality the new standard for playing cards made for magicians.

While others design fancy collectors' decks, we care about decks for workers. The faces of playing cards have not changed for more than 100 years, being perfectly suited for Poker and other card games.

We as magicians sometimes struggle performing with these cards for a larger audience, due to visibility. Our options were giant oversize decks that just look like a magic prop, or we tried to use the Jumbo Index Decks, that were created for Casinos. However, both are not really a good solution.

Our Parlour Decks changed the card visibility for Parlour situations, but what if you like to stay with the size of Poker cards that you are used to?

So in 2017, we started an Evolution, by changing the faces of Poker playing cards to make them more visible. Watch the demo video to see the result. As the decks are as affordable as our regular Phoenix Decks there is no reason not giving these decks a try.

We already started to update existing effects, but also will select new releases, that make more sense being released in Large Index version.

Printed at US Playing Cards on Bicycle cardstock, in our well-known Casino Quality, punched through the backs for easy shuffles, faros and better handling.

With our new price model you safe when ordering larger quantities of Phoenix Decks.

"These will be the ONLY cards I use from now on for my FISM winning act [dream act].
Amazing visibility and clarity for a close up, parlor, or stage card act"
Shin Lim, FISM Winner

"Thanks Christian for creating a deck for parlor magic, now I can do cardmagic without a screen !"
Yann Frisch, FISM Grand Prix Winner

"The indexes might only be 50% bigger, but they make my effects 100% better."
Shawn Farquhar, FISM Grand Prix Winner

"They are gorgeous. Perfect for the stage!"
Kevin James

"I think this is a hell of a good idea."
Obie O'Brien

"This could very well be a new standard for card magicians."
Gregory Wilson

"The simplest ideas are often the best. The Large Index Deck is bound to become a new standard for magicians who work for parlor audiences.
Thank you for this amazing new feature."
Joshua Jay

"Thank you for all that you do for the magic profession."
Vic (Vic and Fabrini)

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